Cars as Artwork
About us.
Thierry Preumont. (right side of the picture)
My father was a car body craftman, in a time when cars body were made of stell or aluminium only. He owned, along with his brother, an auto body shop in Waterloo, Belgium called "carrosserie du Chateau Cheval". So the virus of fine cars hit me very early in life. I have worked in different business sectors but always with the will to make from my passion, my job. I have worked for or with car collectors, as well as professionnal drivers and several companies, car constructors involved in car racing. Now is the time to make my dream come true.
Cédric Hennau. (left side of the picture)
Friends for many years, Cedric has been working in car racing for many years. He share the same passion for cars, he brings his experience to our business.
Specialized collaborators: from our long lasting presence in the racing car life as well as among the circle of vintage car lovers and collectors, we have developed trusted relationship with specialized mechanic gentlemen, body crafter, pilot, body painter, ect. Some with several decade of works with official Ferrari, Porsche, BMW dealers. They provide us with their experience when required. Reference upon request.